Excerpt from June/July, 2001
Roadside Attractions
Excerpt by Mark Frauenfelder But now, the sky is turning a dark shade of blue, and we have to leave (the Frey gas station building) in order to dock at the Orbit In before the front desk closes. Located off a side street near the middle of Palm Springs’ alternately tony-tacky main drag, the Orbit In is one of a spate of small, stylish motels that fell out of favor until a few years ago. The motel was purchased by a couple of retro-connoisseurs and lovingly restored to its original swank and swingin’ splendor.One look at the quirky space-age marquee, and I get the feeling that I’m in a miniature modernist theme park. The incredibly friendly manager leads us past a poolside bar with three glowing lava lamps, each of which sports a high speed internet cable (for people who like to mix laptops and liquor, I suppose). Over the roof of the hotel, he points to Albert Frey’s tiny second house, in the rocky foothills of Mount San Jacinto. As Sarina pulls my arm toward the pool – she’s ready to jump in fully clothed – Bruce brings us to our unit, the aptly named Martini Room. Like the other nine rooms (the Rat Pack Suite, Atomic Paradise, BossanovaVille, etc.), it’s decorated with a uniquely appropriate blend of old and new furniture. There’s a free standing bar, a Lawrence Lasky Toothpick table, and adorable pink-tile bathroom and a 1950’s kitchenette with a Formica table already set with colorful Melmac dinnerware. The kitchen wall also has a socket with a high-speed Internet cable. I can hardly wait to jack in and email my friends about this place.